Tuesday, April 30, 2013

It's good to be a stolen woman on 'The Voice'


8 hours ago

The best thing to be on ?The Voice? on Monday night? A woman stolen by one of the coaches as Adam Levine and Shakira's teams performed in the knockout rounds. Blake Shelton and Usher's singers will do the same on Tuesday, but were limited to offering witty quips to start the week.

Among Shakira?s winners were Karina Iglesias and Sasha Allen, both of whom she stole from Adam in the battle rounds. She also kept Kris Thomas, who the coaches thought was a woman in the blind auditions until they turned their chairs around, a fact that we are reminded of every time he takes the stage and NBC re-airs that footage. Garrett Gardner was also a keeper.

So basically, if you're a woman and you voluntarily picked Shakira simply because she turned her chair around for you at the blind auditions, you?re gone. If you let her steal you from someone else, she liked you more.

On the other hand, Adam was all women, all the time. He kept the stolen Caroline Glaser, as well as Judith Hill, Sarah Simmons and Amber Carrington. That meant saying goodbye to Midas Whale, ending Jon Peter Lewis? dream of making the live shows for both ?The Voice? and ?American Idol.?

It?s bad news for anyone intending to watch the live shows, since Midas Whale would have been the most entertaining act. On the other hand, as Taylor Hicks proved on season five of ?America Idol,? letting the entertainers advance to the live shows means they sometimes win at the expense of more talented alternatives, so in that sense, it?s tough to fault Adam?s choice.

The Maroon 5 frontman also dropped Orlando Dixon and Warren Stone, so the women on his team went 3-0 in head-to-head battles with the opposite sex.

Blake Shelton would consider himself another loser of the night. The country star first had to watch Amber continue to grow into a surprising contender for Adam. ?I think I like Amber as much as I can?t stand Adam, and that?s a lot,? he said. (Dude, you?re not footling anyone. Embrace the bromance.)

He also saw Judith hit one out of the park with Willie Nelson?s ?Always on My Mind.? (Note to readers: It was Blake who called it a Willie Nelson song, so all of you Elvis Presley/John Wesley Ryles/Pet Shop Boys fans go yell at him instead of us.) ?Why don?t you come down here and punch me in the face,? Blake asked her, insulted that she wasn?t on his squad if she was going to go in that direction and do it so well.

Shakira immediately volunteered to be her proxy, but fists were not thrown. Maybe they?re saving the brawls for the live shows.

Did the right singers win? Tell us what you thought of the performances on our Facebook page!

Source: http://www.today.com/entertainment/its-good-be-stolen-woman-voice-6C9676514

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Monday, April 29, 2013

Israel Launches Airstrikes In Response to Rocket Fire From Gaza

Israel Launches Airstrikes In Response to Rocket Fire From Gaza | HamasIsrael G

An Israeli man holds his baby as people celebrate the 65th anniversary of Israel's independence on April 16, 2013 in Tel Aviv, Israel. (Getty Images)

JERUSALEM (AP) -- Israel responded to rockets fired from the Gaza Strip with airstrikes on sites used by Islamic militant group Hamas, which rules the Palestinian territory, the military said on Sunday.

It said its jets struck "a terrorist weapon storage facility and a Hamas training installation" after rockets landed in southern Israel the night before. It also closed a closed a key border crossing with the territory. Gaza health officials said nobody was hurt in the strikes.

On Saturday, thousands of Israelis had been outside in parks and forests celebrating the Jewish holiday of Lag Baomer with traditional bonfires. The rockets exploded in open areas and caused no injuries.

Rocket fire from Gaza has declined since a military campaign in November, before which militants were firing rockets on an almost daily basis and launching other attacks on Israeli towns across the border. Sporadic fire still persists however.

The military said it "will not tolerate any attempt to harm Israeli civilians" and that it will not allow the situation to return to where it stood before the November campaign.

Israel holds Gaza's militant Hamas rulers responsible for all attacks from the territory. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said after the attack that the perpetrators will "pay a heavy price." Speaking at a government meeting Sunday, Netanyahu said he will "not allow a policy of sporadic fire" to continue. He said such fire will be met with a "very strong" response.

No group claimed responsibility for the attacks.

A shadowy extremist Muslim Salafi group has been behind recent attacks in the area, including one last month where rockets were fired from Egypt's Sinai Peninsula.

Hamas sees the Salafis as a threat to its rule and routinely arrest members of the ultraconservative movement in Gaza. Salafis view even Hamas's hardline interpretation of Islamic law as too moderate and the two groups have clashed violently in the past.

Along with the airstrikes, Israel responded to Saturday's rocket fire by closing the Kerem Shalom crossing with Gaza. It said another terminal will be open for humanitarian cases.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/israel-launches-airstrikes-response-rocket-fire-gaza-154025055.html

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Collapsed building owner arrested on India border

SAVAR, Bangladesh (AP) ? The fugitive owner of an illegally-constructed building that collapsed in Bangladesh in a deadly heap last week was captured Sunday at a border crossing with India by members of a commando force.

Mohammed Sohel Rana was arrested in Benapole in western Bangladesh, just as he was about to flee into India's West Bengal state, said Jahangir Kabir Nanak, junior minister for local government. Rana was brought back by helicopter to the capital Dhaka where he faced charges of negligence.

Rana's capture by the Rapid Action Battalion brought cheers and applause when it was announced on a loudspeaker at the site of the collapsed building in the Dhaka suburb of Savar, where search and rescue operations were continuing through the night.

At least 377 people are confirmed to have died in the collapse of the 8-story building on Wednesday. Three of its floors were built illegally. The death toll is expected to rise but it is already the deadliest tragedy to hit Bangladesh's garment industry, which is worth $20 billion annually and is a mainstay of the economy. The collapse and previous disasters in garment factories have focused attention on the poor working conditions of workers who toil for as little as $38 a month to produce clothing for top international brands.

Rana was presented before the media briefly at the commando force's headquarters in Dhaka. Wearing a printed shirt, an exhausted and disheveled Rana was sweating as two security officers held him by his arms. A security official helped him to drink water after he gestured he was thirsty. He did not speak to the media during the 10-minute appearance after which he was taken away. He is likely to be handed over to local police who will have to charge him and produce him in court within 24 hours.

A small-time politician from the ruling party, Rana had been on the run since Wednesday. He last appeared in public in front of his Rana Plaza on Tuesday after huge cracks appeared in the building. However, he assured tenants, including five garment factories, that the building was safe, according to witnesses.

A bank and some shops on the first floor shut their premises on Wednesday after police ordered an evacuation, but managers of the garment factories on the upper floor told workers to continue their shifts.

Hours later, Rana Plaza was reduced to rubble, crushing most victims under massive blocks of concrete and mortar. A garment manufacturers' group said the factories in the building employed 3,122 workers, but it was not clear how many were inside it when it collapsed. About 2,500 survivors have been accounted for.

On Sunday, rescuers were supposed to start using heavy equipment to drill a central hole from the top to look for survivors and dead bodies. But the operation was delayed after rescuers located a woman inside the building, and were trying to pull her out.

Army Maj. Gen. Chowdhury Hasan Suhrawardy, the coordinator of the rescue operations, said so far rescuers have been manually shifting concrete blocks with the help of light equipment such as pickaxes and shovels.

The next phase will involve manual efforts as well as heavy equipment, including hydraulic cranes and cutters to bore a hole from the top of the collapsed building, he told reporters.

The purpose is to "continue the operation to recover both survivors and dead bodies. In this stage, we have no other choice but to use some heavy equipment. We will start it within a few hours. Manual operation and use of small equipment is not enough," he said.

The work will be carried out carefully so as not to mutilate bodies, he said. All the equipment is in place, "from a small blade to everything. We have engaged many private sector companies which supplied us equipment, even some heavy ones."

In rare good news, a female worker was pulled out alive on Sunday. Hasan Akbari, a rescuer, said when he tried to extricate a man next to the woman, "he said his body was being torn apart. So I had to let go. But God willing, we will be able to rescue him with more help very soon."

On Saturday, police arrested three owners of two factories. Also under detention are Rana's wife and two government engineers who were involved in giving approval for the building design. Local television stations reported that the Bangladesh High Court has frozen the bank accounts of the owners of all five garment factories in the collapsed building.

Rana was a local leader of ruling Awami League's youth front. His arrest, and that of the factory owners, was ordered by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, who is also the Awami League leader.

The disaster is the worst ever for the country's booming and powerful garment industry, surpassing a fire five months ago that killed 112 people and brought widespread pledges to improve worker-safety standards. But since then very little has changed in Bangladesh, where low wages have made it a magnet for numerous global brands.

Bangladesh's garment industry was the third largest in the world in 2011, after China and Italy, having grown rapidly in the past decade. The country's minimum wage is the equivalent of about $38 a month.

Among the garment makers in the building were Phantom Apparels, Phantom Tac, Ether Tex, New Wave Style and New Wave Bottoms. Altogether, they produced several million shirts, pants and other garments a year.

The New Wave companies, according to their website, make clothing for several major North American and European retailers.

Britain's Primark acknowledged it was using a factory in Rana Plaza, but many other retailers distanced themselves from the disaster, saying they were not involved with the factories at the time of the collapse or had not recently ordered garments from them.

Wal-Mart said none of its clothing had been authorized to be made in the facility, but it is investigating whether there was any unauthorized production.


AP writers Farid Hossain and Gillian Wong in Dhaka contributed to this report.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/collapsed-building-owner-arrested-india-border-092723478.html

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First Data names JPMorgan executive Bisignano as CEO

MADRID, April 28 (Reuters) - Malaga kept up their push for a possible return to the Champions League next season with a 2-1 win at home Getafe that lifted them to fifth in La Liga on Sunday. Striker Roque Santa Cruz headed them in front just before halftime and defender Weligton doubled the lead with another header, this time from a corner, two minutes after the re-start. Getafe pulled one back with a close-range volley from Juan Valera in the 70th minute and Manuel Pellegrini's side endured some nervy moments near the end as they missed a number of chances to settle the game. ...

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/first-data-names-jpmorgan-executive-bisignano-ceo-202603090.html

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Summit Wrestling, Inc. Holds Fundraiser to Benefit Team - Summit ...

SUMMIT, NJ - Summit wrestling is strong and getting stronger. That was the theme of the fundraiser held Saturday by Summit Wrestling, Inc., a 501(c) 3 organization that provides funding for the Summit High School wrestling team. Summit wrestling, as described in the program for the evening, is ?where we build men with your help.?

The high school team this year included A.J. Iarrusi, who placed sixth in the state, wrestling in the 220-pound weight class and Nick Abbott, wrestling in the 132-pound weight class, who was county champion this year and district champion in his sophomore and senior years. Iarussi is bound for the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania where he was recruited to play football, and Abbott is heading to Bucknell to continue

After the 1994 season, funding for the Summit High School wrestling program was eliminated due to budget constraints. Into the void stepped Summit Wrestling, Inc., an organization operated fully by parents of high school and up-and-coming wrestlers. As a result, there is a strong wrestling program in Summit from the recreational level, through the middle school (which is partially funded by the board of education), to the high school. The Board of Education does provide funding for the high school wrestling coach but all ancillary costs fall under the umbrella of Summit Wrestling Team, Inc., including such costs as transportation to and fees associated with tournaments, as well as paying referees in the competitions. The organization also pays the salary of the middle school wrestling coach.

Anthony Ferrante, the head coach of the Summit High School wrestling team is proud that individuals on the team this year fared well, naming Iarussi and Abbott as standouts. He noted that the fact that wrestling is not supported by the school system negatively impacts the program. However, he feels that wrestling in Summit ?has strong roots in the community and will continue to come back strong.?

According to Jim Abbott, the treasurer of Summit Wrestling, Inc., the organization raises approximately $20,000 annually. It accomplishes this through this yearly fundraiser, through cheesecake sales, and by charging admission to wrestling matches. A goal this year is to raise $8,000 to pay for the rental of a bus to transport the team to competitions. Until then, parents will continue to carpool the wrestlers.

Trish Cassin and Beth Gramigna, co-presidents of the Summit Boosters Club, presented Summit Wrestling, Inc. with a check in the amount of $2,000. They both have children in the high school who participate in a ?myriad of sports.? The Summit Boosters Club funds several sports teams through grants. The club raises money partly through selling Summit Spirit Wear at the Hilltop Shop in downtown Summit.

Entertainment for the evening was provided by Summit Sounds. A buffet dinner was provided by La Pastaria Restaurant and its owners Lynn and Philip Angelo, whose son Philip is an 8th grade wrestler in the middle school. Philip Angelo Senior is on the board of Summit Wrestling Inc. and emceed the fundraiser.

Paul Dineen, a recreation coach in Summit, addressed the crowd and stated that ?everything positive in his life came from wrestling.? He promoted wrestling as a teaching tool that builds great kids who go on to be successful in college and beyond. According to Dineen, ?no athlete works harder than a wrestler. It is an amazing achievement to complete a wrestling season.?

The final speaker was Summit resident Clinton Matter, who was a high school All-American wrestler. This year, he mentored the high school wrestling team. Matter explained that ?wrestling is a means to an end. It alters the trajectory kids, teaching young men to be passionate about something constructively and consistently. This passion can be replicated in all areas of life.

Corporate sponsors of the event were La Pastaria Restaurant, Hilltop Burgers & Fries, Dr. Philip Delli Santi, The Grand Summit Hotel/The Hat Tavern, DeBary Inn, and the Broadway Diner. Among the raffle prizes were Yankee tickets, tailgate provisions for 25, and wrestling lessons from Iarussi and Abbott.

Source: http://thealternativepress.com/articles/summit-wrestling-inc-holds-fundraiser-to-benefi

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Inbee Park at home with LPGA win in North Texas

IRVING, Texas (AP) ? Inbee Park felt right at home in North Texas. The top-ranked woman in the world left with another trophy.

Park played the final 35 holes of the inaugural North Texas LPGA Shootout without a bogey, closing with a 4-under 67 Sunday to finish a stroke ahead of playing partner Carlota Ciganda. It was the third victory this season for the 24-year-old South Korean, and her fifth win her last 18 starts.

"It wasn't something like I was making three, four birdies to catch her," Park said. 'All day, I was just trying to be really patient, and if the chances come, then I win. If not, maybe next chance."

Ciganda shot a 70, losing the opportunity for her first LPGA victory with problems at Nos. 14 and 15, where Park took the lead with pars.

After Ciganda drove into the right rough with a tree between her and the 14th green, her shot from about 130 yards clipped a branch and came up short. She had a chance to save par but her 6-foot putt was short, and Park's par got her within a stroke of the lead.

After stepping away from her approach at No. 15, to a green surrounded by water on three sides, Ciganda hit a shot that went to the right and then rolled down into the water. Ciganda had to go back to a drop zone, where the 22-year-old Spaniard had a decent pitch before her first putt rolled over the left edge of the green for a double bogey 6.

Park made another par and led for good.

"I'm very happy with my round and with my week. ... I had two bad holes on the back nine," Ciganda said.

Between playing and practicing, Park visited Koreatown in Dallas only a few miles from the Las Colinas Country Club. She was also followed on the course by many young Koreans.

"There (were) a lot of Korean girls cheering hard for me too. So, yeah, it felt like a little bit home. So that's good," said Park, who went to Koreatown three or four times. "I just go there to eat and go to bookstore and buy some books and just to look around. They have a bakery, and get a yogurt. All that stuff."

With the $195,000 check for first place, Inbee exceeded $6 million in career earnings and will be No. 1 for the third week in a row. It was her sixth career LPGA victory, along with four more wins in Japan.

Fifth-ranked Suzann Pettersen from Norway, the winner in Hawaii last week, had a closing 66 to get to 10 under and finish third. Hee Young Park (64) and So Yeon Ryu (68) tied for fourth at 275 on the 6,439-yard course with plenty of sloping fairways and raised greens.

Caroline Masson, the LPGA Tour rookie from Germany who led after each of the first two rounds and started Sunday tied for second with Park, shot 75 and finished eight strokes back.

Stacy Lewis, a Texas native and the No. 2 player in the world, had a closing 66 with all six of her birdies and her only bogey coming between Nos. 7-17. She tied for seventh for her sixth top-10 finish this season.

At the end of her round, Lewis signed the back brace of a 6-year-old Dallas girl who was diagnosed with scoliosis at 18 months old. Lewis wore a similar brace 18 hours a day for seven years after being diagnosed with scoliosis at age 11 and missed her first collegiate season after a spinal fusion.

Ciganda played last season on the Ladies European Tour, where she was the top rookie and the top money winner ? the first player since Laura Davies in 1985 to accomplish that feat. She won twice in Europe last year and now has her best LPGA finish.

"It's always nice to win, but I think when you finish second or even worse, I think you learn more from it," Ciganda said. "So I think it's a great experience."

At the 403-yard eighth hole, Park made a birdie before Ciganda followed with one of her own and responded with a slight fist pump when her ball dropped into the cup. They both had pars at No. 9, where Park was closer to the hole even though she missed the green to the left, and they traded birdies again at the par-5 10th.

"Carlota was playing great golf. And I was really ready to actually congratulate her if she played that solid on the back nine," Park said.

Ciganda is returning to Europe but will be back on the LPGA Tour in June.

"I was happy and playing good and having fun and enjoying the day," she said. "And then I think, let me see, the hole it bounced to the right, but I had a bogey there and then hit it to the water on 15."

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/inbee-park-home-lpga-win-north-texas-072111118.html

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Obama jokes about radical 2nd term changes

WASHINGTON (AP) ? President Barack Obama joked Saturday about his plans for a radical second-term evolution from "strapping young Muslim Socialist" to retiree golfer, all with a new hairstyle like first lady Michelle's.

Obama used this year's annual White House Correspondents' Association dinner to poke fun at himself and some of his political adversaries, asking if it was still possible to be brought down a peg after 4? years as commander-in-chief.

Entering to the rap track "All I Do Is Win" by DJ Khaled, Obama joked about how re-election would allow him to unleash a radical agenda. But then he showed a picture of himself golfing on a mock magazine cover of "Senior Leisure."

"I'm not the strapping young Muslim Socialist that I used to be," the president remarked, and then recounted his recent 2-for-22 basketball shooting performance at the White House Easter Egg hunt.

But Obama's most dramatic shift for the next four years appeared to be aesthetic. He presented a montage of shots featuring him with bangs similar to those sometimes sported by his wife.

Obama closed by noting the nation's recent tragedies in Massachusetts and Texas, praising Americans of all stripes from first responders to local journalists for serving the public good.

Saturday night's banquet not far from the White House attracted the usual assortment of stars from Hollywood and beyond. Actors Kevin Spacey, Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Claire Danes, who play government characters on series, were among the attendees, as was Korean entertainer Psy. Several Cabinet members, governors and members of Congress were present.

And despite coming at a somber time, nearly two weeks after the deadly Boston Marathon bombing and 10 days after a devastating fertilizer plant explosion in West, Texas, the president and political allies and rivals alike took the opportunity to enjoy some humor. Late-night talk-show host Conan O'Brien headlined the event.

Some of Obama's jokes came at his Republican rivals' expense. He asked that the GOP's minority outreach begin with him as a "trial run" and said he'd take his recent charm offensive with Republicans on the road, including to a book-burning event with Rep. Michele Bachmann.

Casino magnate Sheldon Adelson would have had better success getting Obama out of office if he simply offered the president $100 million to drop out of last year's race, Obama quipped.

And on the 2016 election, the president noted in self-referential irony that potential Republican candidate Sen. Marco Rubio wasn't qualified because he hasn't even served a full term in the Senate. Obama served less than four years of his six-year Senate term before he was elected president in 2008.

The gala also was an opportunity for six journalists, including Associated Press White House Correspondent Julie Pace, to be honored for their coverage of the presidency and national issues.

The New Yorker's Ryan Lizza won the Aldo Beckman Award, which recognizes excellence in the coverage of the presidency.

Pace won the Merriman Smith Award for a print journalist for coverage on deadline.

ABC's Terry Moran was the winner of the broadcast Merriman Smith Award for deadline reporting.

Reporters Jim Morris, Chris Hamby and Ronnie Greene of the Center for Public Integrity won the Edgar A. Poe Award for coverage of issues of national significance.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/obama-jokes-radical-2nd-term-changes-023742499.html

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Raw Five-Point Preview: April 29, 2013

All WWE programming, talent names, images, likenesses, slogans, wrestling moves, trademarks, logos and copyrights are the exclusive property of WWE, Inc. and its subsidiaries. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. ? 2013 WWE, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This website is based in the United States. By submitting personal information to this website you consent to your information being maintained in the U.S., subject to applicable U.S. laws. U.S. law may be different than the law of your home country. WrestleMania XXIX (NY/NJ) logo TM & ? 2013 WWE. All Rights Reserved. The Empire State Building design is a registered trademark and used with permission by ESBC.

Source: http://www.wwe.com/shows/raw/2013-04-29/five-point-preview

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Saturday, April 27, 2013

Boeing Dreamliner Flights Resume (Voice Of America)

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Controllers to return; flight delays sway Congress

A United Airlines jet departs in view of the air traffic control tower at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport Tuesday, April 23, 2013, in Seattle. A day after flight delays plagued much of the U.S., air travel is smoother Tuesday. But the government is warning passengers that the situation can change by the hour as it runs the nation's air traffic control system with a smaller staff. Airlines and members of Congress urged the Federal Aviation Administration to find other ways to make mandatory budget cuts besides furloughing controllers. While delays haven't been terrible yet, the airlines are worried about the long-term impact late flights will have on their budgets and on fliers. (AP Photo/Elaine Thompson)

A United Airlines jet departs in view of the air traffic control tower at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport Tuesday, April 23, 2013, in Seattle. A day after flight delays plagued much of the U.S., air travel is smoother Tuesday. But the government is warning passengers that the situation can change by the hour as it runs the nation's air traffic control system with a smaller staff. Airlines and members of Congress urged the Federal Aviation Administration to find other ways to make mandatory budget cuts besides furloughing controllers. While delays haven't been terrible yet, the airlines are worried about the long-term impact late flights will have on their budgets and on fliers. (AP Photo/Elaine Thompson)

The control tower stands in the background as a passenger lays on the pavement outside the international terminal at Hartsfield-Jackson airport, Friday, April 26, 2013, in Atlanta. Congress easily approved legislation Friday ending furloughs of air traffic controllers that have delayed hundreds of flights daily, infuriating travelers and causing political headaches for lawmakers.(AP Photo/David Goldman)

A passenger sits at right in the international terminal at Hartsfield-Jackson airport, Friday, April 26, 2013, in Atlanta. Congress easily approved legislation Friday ending furloughs of air traffic controllers that have delayed hundreds of flights daily, infuriating travelers and causing political headaches for lawmakers.(AP Photo/David Goldman)

The control tower stands in the background as a passenger paces while on the phone outside the international terminal at Hartsfield-Jackson airport, Friday, April 26, 2013, in Atlanta. Congress easily approved legislation Friday ending furloughs of air traffic controllers that have delayed hundreds of flights daily, infuriating travelers and causing political headaches for lawmakers.(AP Photo/David Goldman)

(AP) ? Furloughed air traffic controllers will soon be heading back to work, ending a week of coast-to-coast flight delays that left thousands of travelers frustrated and furious.

Unable to ignore the travelers' anger, Congress overwhelmingly approved legislation Friday to allow the Federal Aviation Administration to withdraw the furloughs. The vote underscored a shift by Democrats who had insisted on erasing all of this year's $85 billion in across-the-board budget cuts, not just the most publicly painful ones, for fear of losing leverage to restore money for Head Start and other programs with less lobbying clout and popular support.

With President Barack Obama's promised signature, the measure will erase one of the most stinging and publicly visible consequences of the budget-wide cuts known as the sequester.

Friday's House approval was 361-41 and followed the previous evening's passage by the Senate, which didn't even bother with a roll call. Lawmakers then streamed toward the exits ? and airports ? for a weeklong spring recess.

White House spokesman Jay Carney said Obama would sign the bill, but Carney complained that the measure left the rest of the sequester intact.

"This is a Band-Aid solution. It does not solve the bigger problem," he said. Using the same Band-Aid comparison, Rep. Rick Larsen, D-Wash., said that "the sequester needs triple bypass surgery."

The FAA and Transportation Department did not respond to repeated questions about when the controllers' furloughs would end. Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, who helped craft the measure, was told by Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood Friday that the agency is "doing everything they can to get things back on track as quickly as possible," said Collins spokesman Kevin Kelley.

In the week since the furloughs began, news accounts have prominently featured nightmarish tales of delayed flights and stranded air passengers. Republicans have used the situation to accuse the Obama administration of purposely forcing the controllers to take unpaid days off to dial up public pressure on Congress to roll back the sequester.

"The president has an obligation to implement these cuts in a way that respects the American people, rather than using them for political leverage," House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said in a written statement.

"Unfortunately for this administration, the term 'sequester' has become synonymous with fear," Rep. Richard Hudson, R-N.C., said during the debate.

Halting the furloughs was the latest example of lawmakers easing parts of the sequester that became too painful.

They previously used a separate, wide-ranging spending bill to provide more money for meat and poultry inspectors. Attorney General Eric Holder cited extra funds in that same bill as the reason the Justice Department would be able to avoid furloughs. Transportation Security Administration employees also have gotten relief.

The Obama administration and congressional Democrats ? backed by many fiscal experts ? say the sequester law gives agencies little maneuverability, requiring them to spread cuts evenly among most budget accounts. The Federal Aviation Administration was achieving about a third of its required $637 million in cuts by furloughing nearly all its workers ? including the 15,000 air traffic controllers ? one day every two weeks.

Obama and his Democratic allies want to roll back the entire sequester, with the White House proposing a substitute mix of spending cuts and tax increases that Republicans have rejected. The GOP has proposed replacing the across-the-board spending cuts with others, many of them aimed at programs Democrats defend.

That has left many Democrats reluctant to ease across-the-board cuts for individual programs that cause a public outcry because they worry that would relieve pressure on Republicans to undo the entire sequester.

"While there is a little bit of leverage and pressure, let's broaden it to the sequester as a whole," Rep. Tim Walz, D-Minn., told reporters before voting against the bill.

Said House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.: "How can we sit there and say, 'Four million Meals on Wheels for seniors gone? But that's not important. Over 70,000 children off Head Start. But that's not important.' What is important is for Republicans to hold a hard line" on budget cuts.

Even so, the complaints about flying delays became too intense, and in the end only 29 Democrats and 12 Republicans voted against the measure Friday in the House. The FAA said there had been at least 863 flights delayed on Wednesday attributed to the furloughs, with hundreds of others daily since the furloughs began last Sunday.

The bill would let the FAA use up to $253 million from an airport improvement program and other accounts to halt the furloughs through the Sept. 30 end of the government's fiscal year. The money can be used for other FAA operations, too, including keeping open small airport towers around the country that the agency said it would shut to satisfy the spending cuts.

But Democrats were bitter Friday that cuts in many federal programs remain. Besides the Head Start pre-school program, they complained about ongoing cuts for health research, feeding programs for poor women, children and the elderly and jobless benefits for the long-term unemployed and about furloughs of civilian Pentagon workers.

"Let's get a big deal. Let's deal with all the adverse consequences of the sequester," said No. 2 House Democrat Steny Hoyer, whose Maryland district has many civil servants and who voted no.

Congressional approval was hailed by groups representing the airline industry and the union representing controllers.

"The winners here are the customers who will be spared from lengthy and needless delays," said Nicholas E. Calio, president of Airlines for America, representing major carriers.

The National Air Traffic Controllers Association said the week of problems showed that a "fully staffed air traffic control workforce is necessary for our national airspace system to operate at full capacity."


Associated Press writers Andrew Taylor, Joan Lowy and Nedra Pickler contributed to this report.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/3d281c11a96b4ad082fe88aa0db04305/Article_2013-04-26-FAA-Furloughs/id-d440423843854fc39204989708357128

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Microsoft launches Bing Offers to round up local bargains, gives Bing Deals the axe

Microsoft launches Bing Offers to round up local bargains, gives Bing Deals the axe

Call it a deal, offer or a bargain -- isn't a discount by any name just as sweet? Microsoft seems to think so, and it recently retired Bing Deals in favor of a locally focused newcomer: Bing Offers. Like its predecessor, Offers culls discounts from a number of sources, but rather than pulling deals from all over the web it focuses on group-discount bargains from outfits like Livingsocial, Groupon and Homerun. The aggregator spreads the discounts across the standard categories: food activities, health and fitness, beauty, travel and retail / services. Although the name has changed, a Microsoft spokesperson told TechCrunch that Offers is essentially the latest update to Bing Deals, noting that the site has gone through "a number of iterations" since it launched in 2011. Hit the source link to start pinching pennies.

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Via: TechCrunch

Source: Bing Offers

Source: http://www.engadget.com/2013/04/25/microsoft-launches-bing-offers/?utm_medium=feed&utm_source=Feed_Classic&utm_campaign=Engadget

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Samsung sells 69.4 million smartphones in first quarter for 33 percent share: report

LONDON, April 26 (Reuters) - Arsenal will keep with tradition and form a guard of honour for new Premier League champions Manchester United when the sides meet at The Emirates on Sunday. "That is part of the tradition of English football and I want that, of course, to be respected," Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger told a news conference on Friday. "I'm French, I work in England and the English tradition should be respected. When you work somewhere abroad you have to respect the culture of the country," he added. ...

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/samsung-sells-69-4-million-smartphones-first-quarter-013117756--finance.html

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U.S. Shifts View of Syria Weapons Use (WSJ)

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Friday, April 26, 2013

Yahoo Chairman Resigns - Business Insider

Fred Amoroso, Yahoo's chairman, has resigned.

Yahoo said Amoroso will continue to serve on the board through the next shareholders meeting on June 25, but he will not seek reelection.

Maynard Webb, Jr. will serve as interim chairman of Yahoo's board.

In a statement, Amoroso said it was always his intention to serve as chairman for just one year.

Amoroso is the former CEO of Rovi corporation and led the investigation against former Yahoo CEO Scott Thompson after it was discovered Thompson listed a college degree on his resume that he didn't actually earn. Thompson eventually left Yahoo and the board hired Marissa Mayer to replace him.

Here's the full statement from Yahoo:

Yahoo! Inc. today announced that?Fred Amoroso?has decided not to seek reelection to the board of directors at the upcoming 2013 annual meeting of shareholders. Amoroso will continue to serve on the board through the shareholders meeting on?June 25, but has resigned as chairman of the board. The board has appointed?Maynard Webb, Jr. to serve as interim chairman.

"Fred has been a wonderful chairman for?Yahoo! over the past year, and I'm personally grateful for his trust and guidance as I took on the role as?Yahoo! CEO," said?Yahoo! CEO?Marissa Mayer. "Fred's mentorship and perspective has proved truly valuable to me in my first few months here at Yahoo!."

"I'm very grateful and proud of the progress?Yahoo! has made over the past year," said Amoroso. "When I took the position as chairman, I told the board that my intention was to serve for one year, in order to help?Yahoo! during a critical time of transformation. In that time,?Yahoo! hired a great new CEO, brought on a fantastic management team, revitalized the employee base, and has begun to release top notch new products. With Marissa at the helm and the leadership team in place, this is a natural time for me to transition off the board, consistent with what I said a year ago."

Following the completion of Amoroso's term at the annual meeting, the board will comprise 10 members.

Source: http://www.businessinsider.com/yahoo-chairman-2013-4

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Patrick Hughes Directing Expendables 3

The Expendables 2

He may not have landed The Rock, and he still might be trying to get Jackie Chan on board, but Sylvester Stallone has announced the man who will attempt to wrangle the Expendables for their third time on screen: Red Hill director Patrick Hughes.

The Australian director, who got his start making shorts before segueing into the successful 2010 Western thriller, is Stallone?s choice to carry the mantle first shouldered by Rocky himself and then Simon West for last year?s sequel.

As for what the film will actually be about? Sly isn?t saying yet, though assuming they?re all available, it?ll round up regular cohorts such as Jason Statham, Dolph Lundgren, Jet Li, Terry Crews, Randy Couture, Bruce Willis, Arnold Schwarzenegger and possibly Chuck Norris. And you can bet Sly?s been working the phones to lock in some other names besides trying to lure Chan.

According to the man himself, who is busy working on the script, he wants some fresh blood and more humour in the movie, but we?ll just be happy if it?s better than the first two.?

Meanwhile, as Sly suggests above, you can get a look at Hughes? short film Signs below. And after you do, you can check out our casting suggestions for the new Expendables here.

Source: http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/1927323/news/1927323/

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Thursday, April 25, 2013

Reliance Communications Partners With Twitter To Offer Free, Unlimited Access To The Service In India

3376077015_a795fe5fa3For those in the United States and other locations that are lucky enough to be able to purchase huge data packages for their smartphones, thinking about deciding to “tweet or not to tweet” based on the cost that it could incur is a foreign concept, pun intended. For cell customers in India, it’s a very real situation, and Reliance Communications has partnered with Twitter to bring free, unlimited access to the social network to its prepaid GSM subscribers. This is yet another example of how important Twitter has become in our daily lives and how integral the communication platform is to locations all over the world. The service will be bundled with live cricket match updates, the most popular sport in the country. A customized version of the Twitter app has been created, reminding customers that they’re getting free access thanks to Reliance Mobile. If someone taps a link to an outside site, they will be reminded that doing so might incur extra charges. Reliance is the first operator to partner with Twitter in India, and its Chief Revenue Officer of Wireless, Nilanjan Mukherjee, had this to share: We are delighted to be the first operator to partner with Twitter in India on Twitter Access and offer the first of its kind unlimited Twitter access on our superior network. Our partnership with Twitter in India further strengthens our offering on the social media platform and is in line with our continuous efforts to offer innovative products with incredible affordability for our customers. Since prepaid cell phones are prominent in countries like India, signing deals like this makes the services more attractive. Back to how important cricket is to India’s culture, though. Mukherjee feels like this announcement could cause a “significant shift” of cricket fans to move over to Reliance. That’s knowing your customers. [Photo credit: Flickr]

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/-6dE4dIKRD0/

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Budget cuts back in spotlight as flight delays mount

By Mark Felsenthal and Alwyn Scott

WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - The Obama administration on Wednesday backed a plan that would temporarily eliminate spending cuts disrupting U.S. air travel, while lawmakers in Washington scrambled to avoid blame as the impact of the reductions began being felt across the country.

Airlines pushed for the government to act as flight delays increased and planes stacked up at airports, with one chief executive saying, "We can't do this for long."

With Republicans and conservative commentators blaming President Barack Obama for using the across-the-board spending cuts known as sequestration to score political points, the White House said it supported Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's proposal to replace the reductions by claiming savings from the drawdown of war spending.

"We support this effort to allow both sides to find a longer-term solution that replaces the sequester permanently in a balanced way so we can stop these harmful cuts that are hurting our economy and middle-class families across the country," White House spokesman Jay Carney told a briefing.

The administration would support the move as a temporary measure even though it does not raise revenues, Carney said.

Congressional Republicans have rejected the proposal, saying counting war savings is an accounting gimmick, but complaints about the air traffic delays have thrust sequestration back into the spotlight.


Thousands of flights have been held on the ground, some for as long as two hours, since the Federal Aviation Administration began furloughing air-traffic controllers on Sunday. The intermittent delays have slowed travel at major hubs like Chicago, New York, Los Angeles and Atlanta, caused flight cancellations and stirred concern a chunk of the nation's economy could suffer if the situation persists or worsens.

For business travelers and tourists, the slowdown means missed connections and meetings. Private planes used by businesses are waiting while controllers first guide commercial flights into hubs, and they are carrying more fuel as a safety precaution, in case they are held in the air.

US Airways, Delta Air Lines, American Airlines and Southwest Airlines have warned that furloughs could cost hundreds of millions of dollars a year in lost revenue. The airline industry says it helps generate more than $1 trillion in economic activity in the United States annually and supports 10 million jobs.

"We can't do this for long without having major disruption to the flying public," US Airways CEO Doug Parker said in an interview. He said he called government officials at the airline's hubs last week, and that Congress and the Obama administration were trying to limit the damage.

The requirements have put pressure on FAA chief Michael Huerta, who was questioned in congressional hearings in the past two weeks about furloughs and the closures of smaller towers.

Huerta says the cuts are the only way to trim the agency's budget, and he said on Wednesday that flight delays had not been as bad as feared.

But industry critics said the FAA had not been forthcoming with information. "We didn't get a detailed briefing until Tuesday - a week ago Tuesday," said Jean Medina, a spokeswoman for the trade organization Airlines for America, or A4A.

Last Friday, A4A sought to block the furloughs in court, and the Air Line Pilots Association joined the A4A in launching a website that directs visitors to email or call congressional members on the issue. The ALPA represents nearly 53,000 pilots at airlines in the United States and Canada.

More than 12,000 people have used it to voice concerns since it went live on Friday. A map showing congressional districts shows large pockets of opposition in Chicago, the Northeast and California. Most of those posting comments oppose furloughs.


"These cuts simply punish everyone rather than specifically target the great number of outdated, wasteful and duplicative functions being funded with our taxpayer dollars," Iowa Republican Tom Latham said. "In short, arbitrary, non-targeted, across-the-board cuts are no way to run a government."

Members of Congress are offering a measure that would allow the FAA to transfer funds between accounts to minimize disruptions to air travel.

The sequestration cuts are the legacy of Republican efforts to pressure the Obama administration into spending cuts in exchange for raising the nation's debt limit. The White House and lawmakers agreed to hold up the threat of the reductions, which affect defense and non-defense spending equally, as incentive to reach a broader deficit-reduction deal.

When that deal never materialized, the cuts took effect on March 1. Although the administration broadly advertised the negative impact they would have, those effects were not evident right away.

Flight delays this week have revived the issue. Carney blamed Republicans on Wednesday for underestimating the negative impact of the spending reductions.

"Republicans in Congress made a political tactical decision to embrace the sequester," he said. Cuts proposed by House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan would bite even more deeply than those under the sequester, he added.

But some Republican conservatives expressed support for the sequestration cuts on Wednesday, saying that they were long overdue.

"I don't understand this fascination with the Democrats right now with the sequester, and frankly some Republicans as well," Republican Representative Raul Labrador said.

(Additional reporting by Karen Jacobs in Scottsdale, Arizona; Editing by Ben Berkowitz, Mary Milliken and Peter Cooney)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/budget-cuts-back-spotlight-flight-delays-mount-013232389--business.html

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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Canada terror suspect grew more radical

TORONTO (AP) ? One of two men accused of plotting with al-Qaida members in Iran to derail a train in Canada became radicalized to the point that his father reached out to a Muslim support group for help and advice, a local religious leader said Wednesday.

Muhammad Robert Heft, president of the Paradise Forever Support Group Inc., a non-profit organization that provides support to Muslims in Canada, said Mohammad Jaser came to him several times citing concerns about the radicalization of his son.

"He came to me about his son saying he how concerned he was getting about the rigidness of his son and his interpretation of Islam. He was becoming self-righteous, becoming pushy, pushing his views on how much they (his family) should be practicing as a Muslim," said Heft.

Jaser's son, Raed, 35, has been charged along with Chiheb Esseghaier, 30 with conspiring to carry out an attack and murder people in association with a terrorist group in their plot to derail a train that runs between New York City and Montreal.

Canadian investigators say the men received guidance from members of al-Qaida in Iran. Iranian government officials have said the government had nothing to do with the plot.

"His son was becoming overzealous and intolerant in his understanding of the religion," Heft said. "Those are the telltale signs that can lead into the radicalization process."

The discussions took place between 2010 and 2011, while the father was renting a basement apartment in Heft's home in Markham, Ontario.

On Wednesday, the other suspect appeared briefly in court where he made a statement suggesting he did not recognize the court's jurisdiction.

"This criminal code is not a holy book," Esseghaier said at the hearing. "We cannot rely on the conclusions taken out from these judgments."

At the hearing Esseghaier rejected the allegations against him and declined to be represented by a court-appointed lawyer.

Jaser had appeared in court Tuesday and did not enter a plea. The court granted a request by his lawyer, John Norris, for a publication ban on future evidence and testimony.

Both men were ordered to return to court on May 23.

"We are waiting for the disclosure and we will be defending against the charges," Norris said in a telephone interview on Wednesday.

Norris declined to comment when asked if he wanted his client's case separated from Esseghaier, who has spoken out twice in court despite being advised not to.

Police ? tipped off by an imam worried by the behavior of one of the suspects ? said it was the first known attack planned by al-Qaida in Canada. The two could be sentenced to life in prison if convicted.

The case has raised questions about the extent of Shiite-led Iran's relationship with al-Qaida, a predominantly Sunni Arab terrorist network. It also renewed attention on Iran's complicated history with the terror group, which ranges from outright hostility to alliances of convenience and even overtures by Tehran to assist Washington after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United States. Canadian police said this week they didn't think it was a case of state sponsored terrorism.

Law officials in New York with knowledge of the investigation told The Associated Press the attack was to take place on the Canadian side of the border. They are not authorized to discuss the investigation and spoke only on condition of anonymity.

Norris has questioned the timing of the arrests, pointing to ongoing debates in the Canadian Parliament over a new anti-terrorism law that would expand the powers of police and intelligence agencies.

Norris has noted Jaser was a permanent resident of Canada who has lived there for 20 years. Norris refused to say where Jaser was from, saying that revealing his nationality in the current climate amounted to demonizing him.

Canadian police have declined to release the men's nationalities, saying only they had been in Canada a "significant amount of time." But a London-based newspaper Al Arab reported Wednesday, citing unnamed sources in the Gulf, that Jaser is a Jordanian passport holder with full name Raed Jaser Ibrahim Amouri, who had visited the UAE several times and most recently in September 2011. The newspaper reported that the suspect also visited other Gulf countries including Qatar and Saudi Arabia. It was not possible to independently confirm the report.

Esseghaier, in a profile on a university department website ? which has since been removed ? says he was born in Tunis, Tunisia.

The investigation surrounding the planned attack was part of a cross-border operation involving Canadian law enforcement agencies, the FBI and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Canadian police said the men never got close to carrying out the attack.

The warning first came from an imam in Toronto, who in turn was tipped off by suspicious behavior on the part of one of the suspect.


Associated Press writers Benjamin Shingler in Montreal, Tom Hays in New York, Kimberly Dozier in Washington and Brian Murphy in the United Arab Emirates contributed to this story.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/canada-terror-suspect-grew-more-radical-211749852.html

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10 Things to Know for Wednesday

Boston Police Superintendent William Evans, foreground right, laughs with Boston Police Special Operations Lt. Paul O'Connor, left, after a news conference in Boston, Tuesday, April 23, 2013 at which he described the scene in Watertown, Mass. where Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was captured hiding in a backyard boat. (AP Photo/Elise Amendola)

Boston Police Superintendent William Evans, foreground right, laughs with Boston Police Special Operations Lt. Paul O'Connor, left, after a news conference in Boston, Tuesday, April 23, 2013 at which he described the scene in Watertown, Mass. where Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was captured hiding in a backyard boat. (AP Photo/Elise Amendola)

One jet departs in view of the air traffic control tower at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport as another waits on the tarmac Tuesday, April 23, 2013, in Seattle. A day after flight delays plagued much of the U.S., air travel is smoother Tuesday. But the government is warning passengers that the situation can change by the hour as it runs the nation's air traffic control system with a smaller staff. Airlines and members of Congress urged the Federal Aviation Administration to find other ways to make mandatory budget cuts besides furloughing controllers. While delays haven't been terrible yet, the airlines are worried about the long-term impact late flights will have on their budgets and on fliers. (AP Photo/Elaine Thompson)

Chiheb Esseghaier, one of two men accused of plotting a terror attack on rail target, is led off a plane by an Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) officer at Buttonville Airport just north of Toronto on Tuesday April 23, 2013. Canadian investigators say Raed Jaser, 35, and his suspected accomplice Esseghaier, 30, received "directions and guidance" from members of al-Qaida in Iran. In a brief court appearance in Montreal Tuesday, Esseghaier declined to be represented by a court-appointed lawyer. He made a brief statement in French in which he called the allegations against him unfair. (AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Chris Young)

Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and the stories that will be talked about Wednesday:


An uncle says Tamerlan Tsarnaev fell under the sway of a Muslim convert who steered his nephew toward a strict strain of Islam.


Charges were dropped against an Elvis impersonator in sending poison-filled letters to Obama and others.


It may reinforce an impression that Apple will never again launch a revolutionary product like the iPhone or iPad, one analyst says.


A car bomb explodes outside the French Embassy in Tripoli in the worst attack on a diplomatic mission in the country since last year.


Airlines and Congress members press for other ways to reduce spending after furloughs delay flights.


Security forces storm a Sunni protest camp in northern Iraq, leading to clashes that kill at least 36 people.


Dr. Kermit Gosnell still faces the death penalty if convicted on four remaining counts of first-degree murder involving babies allegedly killed with scissors after being born alive.


Charges against two men in Canada include conspiring to carry out an attack and murder people in association with a terrorist group.


Union-friendly bills move through the Minnesota Legislature, giving organized workers the prospect of big victories.


The Postal Service paid about $40 million to be the title sponsor of the now-disgraced cyclist's teams for six of his seven Tour victories.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/apdefault/3d281c11a96b4ad082fe88aa0db04305/Article_2013-04-23-10%20Things%20to%20Know-Wednesday/id-64f98f90defc493bb3772915f333bacf

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Want To Raise A Million Bucks? Here's What You'll Need

slideSo, you've built yourself a nice little product. Maybe you've raised a small friends-and-family round; maybe you're still bootstrappin' it solo. Either way, now you're looking to raise at least a million dollars to help with the next steps. While there's no perfect formula for stuff like this, these stats from AngelList's Ash Fontana are a solid indication of the metrics you should be aiming for.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/FHI0yRz8244/

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Amiga Forever Essentials for Android promises to expand your emulation options

Amiga Forever Essentials app for Android promises to expand your emulation options

There's already a number of Amiga emulators for Android, but using them has so far required you to provide your own Amiga system files to actually get that emulation started. Cloanto's set out to change that today, though, releasing its Amiga Forever Essentials app for Android that comes complete with officially licensed ROM and OS files for the reasonable cost of one dollar. As the company explains, it worked with the makers of Amiga emulators like UAE4Droid, AnUAE4All, UAE4All2 to ensure the system files are auto-detected (you'll still need to use at least one of those other emulators in conjunction with Forever Essentials), and it's thrown in a few bonuses like Workbench 1.3 and the First Demos disk images to get you started. It also says that this is just the first of a planned series of "Essentials" packages for other platforms, but it has few specifics to share about those at the moment, saying only that it's hopeful it can "help make retrocomputing more accepted on other app stores."

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Source: Amiga Forever, Google Play

Source: http://www.engadget.com/2013/04/23/amiga-forever-essentials-android-emulator/?utm_medium=feed&utm_source=Feed_Classic&utm_campaign=Engadget

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C2612: Trailing '/' Illegal In Base/member Initializer List - C And C++ ...

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    #1 indianaprog9503 ?Icon User is offline

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    Posted Yesterday, 04:23 PM

    can anyone explain to me what the error message:

    error C2612: trailing '/' illegal in base/member initializer list

    : means???

    i appologize if the code does not come out in code format i am new to this forum so i am not sure how to actually post it like a code..

    the part of my code that it is talking about is

   bad_hmean(double a = 0, double b = 0) : v1(a), v2(b ){};  bad_gmean(double a = 0, double b = 0) : v1(a), v2(b ){};  double hmean(double a, double b ) throw(bad_hmean); double gmean(double a, double b ) throw(bad_gmean);  

    can someone clarify what this error message mean??

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    Replies To: C2612: trailing '/' illegal in base/member initializer list

    #2 macosxnerd101 ?Icon User is offline

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    Re: C2612: trailing '/' illegal in base/member initializer list

    Posted Yesterday, 04:33 PM

    Please make sure you use a descriptive title. "Error" is not a descriptive title.

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    Source: http://www.dreamincode.net/forums/topic/319298-c2612-trailing-illegal-in-basemember-initializer-list/

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