Sunday, November 25, 2012

Short Story Assassin RP.

Ok so this kind of high concept as its going to be an RP about a group of thieves and assassins set in a post apocalyptic Steampunk world with a distinctly western feel.

The kicker is instead of the traditional ?to me, to you? style of RPing this is going to have a blend of that and short stories.

Still with me? I?ll have a more in-depth explanation below.

So there is this place called The Flats which is basically a desert with different groups and cities scattered around it. Tech is steampunky and people?s dispositions tend to be of the post apocalyptic dog eat dog variety.

In this varied landscape an individual has seen a gap in the market for someone who is willing to provide certain discrete services. In this case killing and thieving.
The characters would be recruited into a group simply called The Workshop. They will get to live in the work shop with their fellow professionals. This is where more traditional Rp elements are done but this is only secondary to the main the crux of the RP which are the short stories.

When you want a job tell my Character and they will provide a briefing. It can be steal this, rob that kill her, rescue him or whatever. You then go off and write about how you character accomplishes this task.

Inventiveness and character development is the name of the game. We want to see bright eyed people rock up you only want to make quick buck tht eventually become jaded shells, twisted killers or worse.

Of course you could spend your time hanging around the workshop but ultimately you?ll want to get out there and see the world.
Which brings me neatly onto my next point. The Flats is a region I love to RP in. I built it over a couple of years and it basically consists of four towns. One is filled with religious zealots, another with sky pirates, another with wanton capitalists and the last with a bunch of Mafioso wannabe?s .

In-between you have the plains filled with murderous Tribes, ranchers, a mysterious nomadic tribe called the Ochil and miles of desert.

Anyway I reckon this could work if you like writing big posts and like to see you characters grow.

Anyhoo maybe you think this is stupid please comment if you do so I change it up.

On the other hand hopefully you think this rocks, in that case hit me up and we?ll see where to take it from there.


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